Wednesday 8 September 2010

Music Video Analysis, Skepta

Skepta-Rescue Me
This music video is to the song Rescue Me by Skepta. One genre characteristic that appears in this video is when we see Skepta wearing a purple polo shirt. This is because a lot of people who listen to this type of music wear polo shirts showing the connection. In the song he sings about being rescued and he is located in a mental asylum which suggests that he wants to be rescued from there and that he doesn’t belong there. There is also a lyric where he says he doesn’t get a round of applauds and he claps himself showing visually what he means. There is also a lyric where he talks about being crazy and he moves his finger around his ear in a circular motion to show what he means. There are a lot of close ups of him as he is a solo artist and the main focus is on him and his actions. There is also a notion of looking near the end when he is being strapped down near the end and he looks at some equipment that they are going to use on him putting us in his shoes and making us feel sorry for him. There is one main and rather oblivious intertextual reference that is that the story of the video is much like the novel and 1975 film, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. This video is a mixture of both performance and narrative.

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