Wednesday 8 September 2010

Music Video Analysis, Lostprophets

Lostprophets-Last Summer
The music video is to the song Last Summer by Lostprophets. In the video we see lead singer Ian Watkins driving around on the last day of school in three different years. 1984, 1994, and 2004. This is relevant to the lyrics because he is singing about last summer. The song is also about the bands memories of their “last summer’s” and the music shows different people experiencing them. The main close ups are of the lead singer. There is a lot of these during the verses but when it comes to the chorus it is mainly shots of the band as a whole playing there designated instruments. The main star motif is the fact that the singer is wearing a white shirt and a black tie. He appears in many lostprophet videos wearing the same attire. There are a few references to the motion of the lead singer looking at things. This is because he is driving his car and it cuts out to things happing on the street that he appears to be looking at. For example when he first gets in his car there is an old man cleaning his window and from the camera angle and positioning it looks like we are looking at him as if we are in the position of Ian. There are no intertextual references during this songs music video. This music video is performance and narrative based. It is around sixty percent narrative and forty

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