Wednesday 8 September 2010

Music Video Analysis, 30 Seconds To Mars

30 Seconds To Mars-Closer To The Edge
This is the music video the song Closer To The Edge by 30 Seconds To Mars. There is no real genre characteristic featured in this video. They are singing about being closer to the edge and the only real relationship between the music and the video is the pace of the editing and that he stands near the edge of the fans at one stage. There are close ups of the entire band throughout the video but mainly the lead singer, Jared Leto. His image also changes a lot which is shown during this video because it is a montage of their world tour and it shows him with many different haircuts and looks. There is no intertexual references and the video is a mix between performance and concept based. This is because it shows them touring around the world and their performances and also shows their fans and what they think.
As they disabled Embedment from youtube here is the link.

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