Tuesday 9 November 2010

Initial Track Ideas

As a group we decided to each go away and think of three different track ideas each. This would mean that we would have nine tracks to go through and decide what one we would most like to make a music video for. The three songs that I chose were CCTV by The Last Republic (who have now brought a video out for this song), Moonlight sonata by Beethoven and If it Means A Lot to You by A Day to Remember.
The first idea (CCTV) would have been good because not many people would have heard of it as it was written by and unsigned band. This also meant that there was no video and that was one of our requirements in the brief. As the song is called CCTV I had an idea that we could use the motion of CCTV during the video so the story line could have been to do with someone committing a crime.
The second idea was moonlight Sonata composed by Beethoven in 1801. This would have been good because it is classical music and not many people would expect to see a music video for classical music and would create a very different feel. as the song was is very clam I had an idea that we could contradict the songs mood and put lots of shots of violence in. We would also use a lot of slow motion and black and white.
The third and final idea was If It Means A Lot to You by A Day to Remember. This song was quite hard to put into a genre as the bands are quite heavy in most songs apart from this one. As the songs sings about relationships it would be good to do a narrative that goes along with this concept. There was also a change in tempo during the song meaning that it would be able to mix up the video. The lyrics are also catchy and there are two genders singing that means that more people would need to be in the video.
After looking at all the songs we narrowed it down to Moonlight Sonata and If It Means A Lot to You. After looking at the pros and cons of each one we decided that it would be quite hard to fill moonlight sonata and keep it interesting mainly because there is no singing and would be hard to create a star from it where as with the other song we could have a whole band and would be much easier to produce it.
All song ideas are below.

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